We love to serve these muffins all through the Autumn and Winter months because they are incredibly moist and full of spice flavor. A long-time guest and family favorite, this recipe will make 2 dozen large muffins. You can easily divide the recipe and only make half if you don't regularly feed large groups of people like we do here...
This recipe originally came from Marcia Adams, Cooking from Quilt Country. We have adjusted the seasoning to our taste and use dark meat chicken instead of ground pork. Feel free to use whatever ground meat appeals to you. The quality of the meat is very important. Try to find a good-quality chicken. We use Murray's chicken, which is produced in...
Coconut Macaroon Pancakes! Doesn't that sound really good? Here is the recipe for this delicious breakfast. These just happen to be low-carb, high-protein, dairy-free and gluten-free. Coconut Macaroon Pancakes Yield: 12 large cakes The Recipe 1 14 oz can coconut milk 2 Tablespoons raw honey 3 cups unsweetened coconut 1/4 cup flour (all-purpose, rice flour or oat flour all...
Being an Innkeeper here at the Rosemont Inn allows me to to do many things I enjoy all at the same time. I love gardening and plants of every variety, but no plant is as useful and forgiving as an herb. Even if you think you have a black thumb, you can grow herbs successfully in only a tiny space. Our herbs...
She said yes! Brendon and Rachel recently got engaged right here in the Chantilly room. They arrived on Friday night and settled into their room. On Saturday, they enjoyed breakfast in our dining room and then went out to visit the Red Pandas at the Utica Zoo.It was so much fun to get the room ready for the big surprise. Rose-petal...